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Document Review
Court Reporting
White Collar
Document Review
Court Reporting
White Collar
Security Incident Report Form
Information Security Incident Form
Please enter your first and last name, along with the name of your employer. If this is an anonymous report, please enter Security Incident Report into the field
Please enter your email address here in the event that follow up is needed. If you wish to anonymously report this incident, please enter the email of a trusted friend or
Indicate which of the following this report is regarding:
Event (An exception to the normal operation of systems and services, loss or theft of a device)
Incident (Violates Intrepid Policy, Procedure, Guidelines/ Best Practices, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct)
Weakness (in security control or system)
Date that the event, incident, or weakness was first noticed or occurred
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time that the event, incident, or weakness was first noticed or occurred
Briefly describe what prompted you to file this report, in 10 words or less (example: hardware or software malfunction, atypical application behavior, access violation, Misappropriation or theft of information or services, etc.)
If applicable, enter client and matter name
Person(s) Involved (unknown, Intrepid employee, client employee, N/A, Multiple, etc)
If more that 3 people are involved, please use the “Description of Reported Incident” to list all parties.
Indicate which of the following were impacted (Please choose all items that apply)
Device (laptop, phone, etc)
System (Citrix, RelOne, MS App, etc)
Data (client, Intrepid, etc)
Identification of suspected source or causation of Incident or event (Please choose all items that apply)
Theft or loss of a device or credentials (Phone, Laptop, Tablet, User Name, or Password)
Malware infection or Ransomware
System access violation(s)
Modification or destruction of client data or systems that client data is housed in
Theft of information due to system breach
Pressured into providing information or access
Third Party Service Provider
Third Party Application
Physical Security Breach
Phishing Email received regarding Intrepid personnel
Phishing or Social Engineering email link clicked
Areas of potential impact or suspected damage (if any) Please choose all items that apply
Client Data
Information Confidentiality
Information Integrity
Information Access
Citrix System Availability
Citrix System Interruption
RelativityOne System Availability
RelativityOne Service Interruption
Malfunction Or Atypical Behavior Of Software Or Hardware
MS Office 365 System Availability
MS Office 365 Service Interruption
Employee device with Intrepid system(s) apps installed
Intrepid issued laptop/endpoint device
Intrepid Employee Record Confidentiality
Intrepid Employee Record Availability
Intrepid Reputation with Client
Intrepid Reputation within Industry
Intrepid System Security
No potential impact at this time
Incident, violation, and/or weakness occurrence Identification (if applicable) Please choose all items that apply
Ineffective Security Controls
System Vulnerability
Client Data Exposure
Client Data Loss
Intrepid Policy Non-Compliance
Intrepid Procedure Non-Compliance
Intrepid Code Of Ethics Non-Compliance
Intrepid Guidelines Non-Compliance
Client Service Disruption
Client Access Disruption,
Client Data Breach Or Exposure
Employee Human Error
Employee 2 Factor Authentication Not Implemented Or Disabled
Employee Data Exposure
Employee Data Loss
Ineffective Security Controls
Intrepid Code Of Conduct Non-Compliance
Intrepid Acceptable Use Policy Non-Compliance
System Vulnerabilities
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Client Access or Service Disruption
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Client Data Breach or Exposure
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Client Data Loss or Non-availability
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Human Error
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Inadequate/ Ineffective Security Systems and/ or Controls
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Industry Best Practice Non-compliance
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier System Vulnerabilities
Third Party Contractor/ Supplier Unethical practices or behavior
Description of Reported Incident (For theft or loss, please list name of object, describe where and how this event occurred, indicate if a police report was filed, if appropriate. For Internal Intrepid matters, please name of employee and describe occurrence or non-compliance. If reporting security weakness or concern, please provide detailed information, including the system, the weakness, the impact that it may have upon Intrepid or our valued clients.)